kalo kite flashback kenangn time2 skolah.mesti best ekk..pas g kawen niza tu..kitorng tak trus balik..hihi..g BPMALL..ku pun tak paham ape ade sane..tapi ade kwn2 aku.sume dok bkumpol kat sane..kami pun dok la lepak2 kat OLD TOWN..amek port luar..leh cuci mate..ngee :D wink3!~ kitorng cite macam2..dr kenangan lame..sampai la what they are doing now..
wah..sume dok tnye2..ko wat ape skrg?ade yg jwb 'aku keje dahh'..'blja lagi'..'dah nak abis da'..'owhh aku smbung master'..'aku dah grad da'..huhu (aku tunduk jekk)..ko blja mane skrng?(aku pun lagi la tunduk)..sob..sob..sob..sedey je...adehh ku blaja pun dok abis laie..blajar pun main2..zzzZZzz..mmg patut la sedey ek?..haha..
aku suke tringat kisah2 lame..serious..mase skolah rendah..haha..awein yg sntiase dok kat sblh aku dr standard 4, scott aku baru jek kenal time tu..nerd gile..wink2 HY DORAEMON..haha..pastu naik skola mnegah aku kenal sue,farra,fadilah,mek,ila,bum,ain and others.smpai tingktn 3.sume dok 1 class..dah kenal skit2 la pangai masing2..bum yg kuat ngis.sue yg suke ponteng skolah.ak ngan fadilah yg sntiase nk tmpat ade kipas..haha mek yg tgn die asik berair jekk...smpai skrg sehh..takde ubat kot..farrah yg poyo n sengal dr dulu...haha scott ngan id budak dok ostel yg akhirnye die buang krn FLY dr ostel sbb nk raikan Senior2 kat kfc mase tu..huhu...redha jek laa ekk..hahaha awein yg aku brani ajak die nek bus sbb die mmg tak leh naik bas lngsung..takut uncle marah..pheww!~ debarr nye Tuhan jek yg tau..hahaha
then g TEKNIK bp..pheww!~bermula la kisah aku jadi pemalas..zzZZzz..knp la aku pindah sane ekk..kdng2 aku pkir.adakah salah pilihan aku tu??tapi disebabkn kwn2 yg paling best kat dunia nih ade bersame2 bjuang di sane..aku mharunginya juaaa.....huhu...kay la..
spm pun da setel..masuk UITM plakk..wlaupun result cam hampehh..pehhhh...mmg tak leh blahhh..aku dpt DUNGUN????????????cam nk luruh jntungku...ape la ade kat sane?wah aku dah tbyg da jadual mkn aku sure tak btol.mknan sure tk sedap.mkn sure mhl sbb kne byr sndri..wahh..sume psal mkn..haha..g reg elok je pakai tudung..phew!~ tganu la katekan..negeri islam katenye..3taun beb kat sane..but ok..best gile..aku suke sgt2..sbb kwn2 aku best gile..haha..thnx wanie,hanee,apin,hani,lia,awin,haa..byk nooo..sume2 la yg mengenali diriku..hehe..kalo aku ditmpatkan kat dungun lagi aku nak,but wif one condition...aku nk dengan kwn2 aku..haha dok la terperuk camane pun..haku ttp suke..ngee :D
then....skrg sume da besa2..da de pasangan masing2..hehe..ade yg solo molo folow..cam2 ragam ek..kalo pikir..phew..!~ kenangan itu terindahhh....aku kalo leh nk record kenangan selame 13 taun tu...wat cite..peh..mmg best!~ hahaha
yg pnting aku still fren ngn bestfren2 aku smpai skrg...to awien..luv u damn much..ku kenal ko mule2 skali..Scott,go go bebeh..Sue,thnx for everything..Farrah,aku nk cr bf..hahahaha sik msg ngn ko jekk..:P wanie,aku tak leh kalo tak cite sglnye pada ko..wakakaka....hanee..u like my sister to me wlaupon ko sik ngaku cam sebaye jek kan..haha...owh abg pol..huhu...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
kaki ku cam cramp.tgn ku cam kejang..haha.penat sehhh...nih gare2 sue scott awein la nih..zzZZzz haku g kluang arinih..hihi g merasmikan Big Apple...phewwwww!~...bestnye..dah dekat ngn aku...huhuhu....dekat tak dekat sgt la..ade la 45min g sane..
scoott de interview actually.so g la kluang pastu..sementara tungu scott tu..aku g la bli kepek kat p.raja..dah lame aku rase cam nk mkn kerepek pisang sira..ha..g la cari..pastu g 1 kedai tu..aku pun tnye.. :" dik,kepek ni ade tester x?" die jwb takde..ok la..aku pun ckp la kat budak2 nih "g cari kat tmpat len la..tak mberangsangkan la kepek nih.." aku pun bli la kat kedai lain..tibe..ade pmpn lalu depan aku..sat lagi tibe2 die ckp :"ewahh...tak memberangsangkan ehh??" ehhh aku da nek pelikk aku tgk la makcik tu dan btnye "ape yg mberangsangkan?" then..die jwb "ape?tak puas ati ke???" pehh otai gile seh..gua da panass...aku blah jek pastu...gile ape..ku bukn ckp kat die..ckp kat kepek tu yg tak mberangsangkang...dah la cair jekk...tak coklat pun cam kepek sira..zzZZzzz...bengang sehhh sampai aku tak leh lupe..pastu bile da lupe..budak2 nih sik mbangkitkan pulak..haha..pastu gelak2..ampesss tull..
sik ketawe jek..hehe..then..sue bli putu bambu..scott cakap :" sue nih nak jual balik ke kat kluang nnti?" wakakakaka tu mmg tak leh blah ayat tu..keke..pastu aku tgk..abis je plak..kunun cam byk la tu..huhu...padahal sume da kelaparan...kekeke hahaha...pastu sue ckp lagi "scott,amek kan KUTU bambu tu.." kitorang cam nk pecah gegendang tinge la gelak..KUTUUUUUUUUUU????..hahahahha...adoiyaii si sue nihh..adehhh..hahaha.dr g sampai la balik...mcm2...last2 balik umah aku..mkn laksa..pastu sume cam da lemahh..aku ape lagi..sempat la menidurkan diri...keke..
then g bpmall,karaoke..phewwww.....tu jek la keje aku...karaoke..karaoke...kekeke...mak aku call pun ku tak dengar la...lepak2..and lepak lagi...pastu lepak2 lagi..dah penat balik..huhuhu
*tapi aku tak leh lupe makcik otai tu...ZZzzzZZZzz..seb bek kat kg die..kalo kg aku..aku dah calling2 da...hahaha <---ade lagak otai tak?keke
scoott de interview actually.so g la kluang pastu..sementara tungu scott tu..aku g la bli kepek kat p.raja..dah lame aku rase cam nk mkn kerepek pisang sira..ha..g la cari..pastu g 1 kedai tu..aku pun tnye.. :" dik,kepek ni ade tester x?" die jwb takde..ok la..aku pun ckp la kat budak2 nih "g cari kat tmpat len la..tak mberangsangkan la kepek nih.." aku pun bli la kat kedai lain..tibe..ade pmpn lalu depan aku..sat lagi tibe2 die ckp :"ewahh...tak memberangsangkan ehh??" ehhh aku da nek pelikk aku tgk la makcik tu dan btnye "ape yg mberangsangkan?" then..die jwb "ape?tak puas ati ke???" pehh otai gile seh..gua da panass...aku blah jek pastu...gile ape..ku bukn ckp kat die..ckp kat kepek tu yg tak mberangsangkang...dah la cair jekk...tak coklat pun cam kepek sira..zzZZzzz...bengang sehhh sampai aku tak leh lupe..pastu bile da lupe..budak2 nih sik mbangkitkan pulak..haha..pastu gelak2..ampesss tull..
sik ketawe jek..hehe..then..sue bli putu bambu..scott cakap :" sue nih nak jual balik ke kat kluang nnti?" wakakakaka tu mmg tak leh blah ayat tu..keke..pastu aku tgk..abis je plak..kunun cam byk la tu..huhu...padahal sume da kelaparan...kekeke hahaha...pastu sue ckp lagi "scott,amek kan KUTU bambu tu.." kitorang cam nk pecah gegendang tinge la gelak..KUTUUUUUUUUUU????..hahahahha...adoiyaii si sue nihh..adehhh..hahaha.dr g sampai la balik...mcm2...last2 balik umah aku..mkn laksa..pastu sume cam da lemahh..aku ape lagi..sempat la menidurkan diri...keke..
then g bpmall,karaoke..phewwww.....tu jek la keje aku...karaoke..karaoke...kekeke...mak aku call pun ku tak dengar la...lepak2..and lepak lagi...pastu lepak2 lagi..dah penat balik..huhuhu
*tapi aku tak leh lupe makcik otai tu...ZZzzzZZZzz..seb bek kat kg die..kalo kg aku..aku dah calling2 da...hahaha <---ade lagak otai tak?keke
A is for all the nice things you do for me.
B is for being there for me.
C is for coming to my rescue.
D is never deserting me.
E is for your eagerness to please.
F is for being quick to forgive.
G is for your generosity.
H is for extending a helping hand.
I is for your interest in me.
J is for not judging my every move.
K is for your kindness toward me.
L is for the love you have shown me.
M is for the many laughs we share.
N is for never gossiping about me.
O is for your openness
P is for always playing fair
Q is for the quiet times we share.
R is for the respect we have for each other.
S is for all the smiles you bring .
T is because you touch my heart.
U is for how well you understand me.
V is because you are a vital part of my life.
W is for knowing when to speak and when not to.
X is for all the extra nice things you do.
Y is for giving of yourself.
Z is for the zip you add to my life.
Dear friends..thanx for being such a friend to me...awien,scott,farrah,sue,wanie,hanee,...
B is for being there for me.
C is for coming to my rescue.
D is never deserting me.
E is for your eagerness to please.
F is for being quick to forgive.
G is for your generosity.
H is for extending a helping hand.
I is for your interest in me.
J is for not judging my every move.
K is for your kindness toward me.
L is for the love you have shown me.
M is for the many laughs we share.
N is for never gossiping about me.
O is for your openness
P is for always playing fair
Q is for the quiet times we share.
R is for the respect we have for each other.
S is for all the smiles you bring .
T is because you touch my heart.
U is for how well you understand me.
V is because you are a vital part of my life.
W is for knowing when to speak and when not to.
X is for all the extra nice things you do.
Y is for giving of yourself.
Z is for the zip you add to my life.
Dear friends..thanx for being such a friend to me...awien,scott,farrah,sue,wanie,hanee,...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Second Wedding Among 3GIGIH After Id...
huhu...wedding?berpulun g cari adiah..keke..takes 2 to 3 day untok pk ape nk beli..geng2 sume jauh2..mek kat jb.farrah kat s.alam.aku,awin ngn scott jek ade..haha.sue tak dpt mnyertai krn kezen die kwen..yg bestnye..konon nk g cari adiah.tapi MENGETEHnye yg lebih...padan la adiah tak dpt2 cari..haha opsssss...lupe..tiade istilah mengeteh lam idup aku scoot ngn awin..haha..lebih kepada MAKAN PETANG...huhu..
tu la kwn2 mase kat 3g dulu..peh..lame ek..rindu seh aku mase time skolah..aku and the gang(aku,scott,awien~walaupun die nmpk cam baik jek sebenarnye die nakal...haha memek,sue and farrah) mmg antara budak2 paling nakal dlm tingkatan 3.phew...!~ tak dinafikan..kantoi ngn cikgu.fly.lepak surau.last2 cikgu serbu..bum ngan awein lompat tingkap.ain pura2 pakai telekung kunon nk smyg.aku ngn mek kunon2 baru nk semayang..yg lagi best geng2 eliani,fariha,imalina syazlin syok2 men card kat tingkat atas surau TIGS tu..hahahaha...isk..kenangan sehh..aku tak leh lupe..byk gile aku wat nakal..tapi tu la time paling seronok seh.skrg nih dah lain.dah tak mcm dulu
alamak...ku ade keje la..kene of9.nnti sambung cite2 best..hahaha.BRB!~
pehh lame aku break!~
Sunday, December 21, 2008

hue....salam..then it finally states!~haha weh scott..aku dah reti wehh..keke..senang rupenye..phew!~ berpeluh aku...kekeke hurm..wah..byknye nk type..sume2 aku nk type..huhu kengkawan support la aku..hihi..akhirnye blog aku dah siap..aku sampai tak tido dok explore this new this thing for me..ye la..dak kg cam aku..ne reti blog2 nih..sebelum nih gune suratkhabar jek kalo nk post ape2..hahaha....aku nk upload pic kenduri kawen Haniza tadi pun tak buat lgi..sbb usb takde..almaklum la..brg pnjam.so..sumenye tak lengkap.ti sok aku g umah akk aku amek usb..akn ku upload pic kawen Haniza bersame Ekram suami tercinta (sedey je.. :( bile la turn aku..huhu..phew!~) pape pun..keriangan aku perlu digambarkan kpd semua...WINK3!!..hihi...
kadang2 aku pikir..bile la tyme aku lak kawen..huhu..
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